
Maestra Chameleon, “The Space In Between”

Maestra Chameleon is an electronic performer and DJ who enjoys living in the space between classical and contemporary music. She enjoys orchestrating the colors of different genres into her own symphonic universe. One can never expect what will come out of her in any given moment, whether she’s making a mashup between Debussy and Korean R&B or covering Hans Zimmer. Her medium is within electronic spaces and her baton is her laptop and turntable.

Maestra Chameleon will be performing The Space In Between at 7:40PM. You can check out her work below.

Bach Violin Sonata No. 1 Mvmt 4 (Presto) REMIX I: Senior Recital Film

Bach, The Plan is No Church in the Flashing Lights


Stephanie Vasko

Dr. Stephanie Vasko is an interdisciplinary artist and researcher. She works with sound (field recordings, virtual synthesis, hardware synthesis), circuit bending, sculpture, video, photography, and extended reality. Her work explores warping perceptions and creating mashups of cutting-edge and obsolete technologies.

Dr. Vasko was the guest artist for Bleep / Blorp 2022. As guest artist, she delivered the festival’s keynote lecture, “Synthesizing the Sound of Space.” This lecture chronicled Vasko’s digital humanities project of the same name. The project explored how the development of the silicon transistor has shaped the ways in which the sounds of space are recorded and created. Initial work during the pilot year of this project focused on archival and online research, creating a beta version of a website, and developing an open-source lesson plan to teach about how to synthesize your own space sounds. This keynote covered an introduction to this project and deep dive into the sound creation activity, including addressing accessibility concerns, sound samples, and a tools/platforms comparison. Her performance, Layers, at the end of the Bleep/Blorp 2022 featured patches created using VCV Rack, sound samples, and tape loops.

Dr. Vasko was scheduled to perform her work “Ghosts” at Bleep/Blorp 2024. Unfortunately due to an injury she was not able to attend. Hopefully she’ll return for a future Bleep/Blorp. You can check out her work on her Instagram page, as well as by checking out the videos below.

Anxiety: A VCV Rack and Tape Loop Performance:

Bleep / Blorp 2022: Performance Excerpt:


Bleep / Blorp 2022

Attendees will be required to follow Stonehill College’s Visitor and Guest Protocols.


4:00PM Keynote: Stephanie Vasko, “Synthesizing the Sound of Space”


5:00PM UMass Lowell Contemporary Electronic Ensemble
5:20PM Metal Tiger
5:40PM Don Nothing
6:00PM J. Lym
6:20PM Travis Johns
6:40PM The Square Root of Negative Two
7:00PM William Auringer
7:20PM Overclock Orchestra
7:40PM Maestra Chameleon, “The Space Inbetween”
8:00PM xperseai, “lost in the sauce”
8:20PM Michael Bierylo
8:40PM Stephanie Vasko

Video Gallery:

Herbert Brün
Eric Halin
Eric Lennartson
Darth Presley
Allison Tanenhaus